July 9th, 2010

See my Voice Thread--Basking in the sun

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer's Drawing to a Close

Cleo and I and the rest of the animal family are already getting ready for HSU to start and I go back to teaching full time through December. I didn't ride as much as I had wanted, but Cleo and I still met many of our goals. 1. I have ridden her alone in the arena with great success, although we always make sure someone else is around in case we get into a pickle. 2. I also rode in a dressage saddle for the first time. I really liked how it rearranged my position. The knee blocks and saddle seat forced me to sit straight and tall, and to let my legs hang directly below my hips. 3. I'm much better at insisting Cleo go forward even when she objects.

But for some reason, I have lost some of my courage riding outside and down the lane. So Paula and I have been working on that. We had a scary moment a couple of weeks ago when Artie balked at a change in the scenery going down the lane, and Cleo basically 'freaked out.' Thanks to Janice, we used the event as a learning opportunity that ended well--riding in the outdoor arena and than back into the indoor. But without Janice on the ground to keep both of us calm, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

Cleo's paddock has a cover for the first time. I am hoping that she can stay out more often in the winter, which is her preference. But when the wind blows, and the rain pelts down, she has not been happy with just her raincoat. Last winter she shook so hard when I got there in the late afternoon that I could hardly put her halter on to lead her to her stall. But then in the morning, she is always ready to brave the elements again regardless of the weather. I'll have an easier time deciding the best place for her to be now that she has protection from the wind and rain.

The next four months should be both interesting and a challenge since I have a five day teaching schedule. I have reserved Wednesday mornings for my lessons, but even though I rarely ride during the week, even the weekends are likely to be crowded since I won't have a day during the week to do my other chores and responsibilities. But Cleo and I will work out a schedule that suits us both.


VK said...

I think spending time outside with Cleo will be a healing, refreshing activity after teaching full-time. I know I need my horse time to be able to give all I give at school.

I have been told a relationship with a horse is like no other. It is obvious that you and Cleo have an understanding; as I grow with Jupiter, I hope we become inseparable partners who understand each other as well.


Susan G. said...

Thanks for the wise words, Vicky. I am inviting my students this semester to visit this blog and requiring them to start their own based on a hobby or interest. I am doing this in lieu of writing prompts. I think this will be my workshop for RWP.