July 9th, 2010

See my Voice Thread--Basking in the sun

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My training routine

Most every Tuesday at 11:00 I have a 45 minute lesson with my trainer, Paula Lacy. Paula is a well-respected dressage judge who is in demand for shows and clinics all over the Country. She is my fourth teacher. I have learned many lessons from all of my riding instructors--not all good ones. (A future blog) But Paula is an excellent teacher and horsewoman. She usually works with students who have ambitions to master the sport of dressage--often with very expensive horses bred for this activity. I was leary of asking her to give me lessons since I don't own English tack; I will never be able to post and maybe never canter, and my skills and ambitions are very basic. But she is as attentive and respectful a teacher of me as she is with all of her students. And I think she enjoys our lessons as much as she does those leading to blue ribbons in the show ring. She appreciates how much she contributes to my happiness and self-confidence.

As of last Tuesday, we began preparing a new pas de deux for possible half time entertainment at the next official dressage show at our barn, although it's in two weeks and I' don't think we will be ready. My riding partner, Carrie, and her paint gelding, Artie, performed a pas de deux at the last show and we hope to repeat our success. I should have practiced today, but I had to work until 1:00 today--yes on a Saturday--and I had too many other things on my mind. Sometimes Cleo can fill myb gloomy times with gladness, but other times, I'm just too weary. Tomorrow, though, I plan to ride and make myself feel glad again.

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